Create a memorable start to your honeymoon with a stay at Dinarobin Beachcomber in Mauritius. Indulge your senses with a luxurious couples massage and dine across Dinarobin Beachcomber and Paradis Beachcomber for a superb selection of eight restaurants. Our generous Escape Package is included with your Zen Suite so you can enjoy a truly relaxing stay at Dinarobin Beachcomber without the worry of a huge holidays drink bill at the end of it!
Price includes:
- 9 nights in a Zen Suite (adults only crescent)
- Return economy flights
- Half board + Escape Package
- A Beachcomber Experience
- A choice of free land & water sports
- Private transfers in Mauritius
- Departures in June 2022
Holiday highlights:
- Luxury all-suite accommodation
- Opulent Spa
- Superb golf at Paradis Golf Course
- A choice of 8 restaurants on the peninsula
- Fantastic selection of complimentary land and water sports